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Citrus Consulting Services

cyber security

Learn Why Cybersecurity Is Important For Digital Transformation

As the world continues to cope with the post-COVID-19 pandemic era, digitalization has come to the forefront not only as a means to bring further convenience and safety to the crowd but also to revolutionize the present and future as we see it. The IT changes and introductions that have been brought forward in the past two years have been some of the most promising innovations this decade and have highlighted the constant need for digital transformation. Just as many employees and employers turned to their personal devices with the start of the work-from-home policy, an increasing number of cyber risks and challenges were posed; the main point of concern being the safety of the information and applications accessed without pre-emptive protocols and measures.  

This particularly brought into light the necessity for educating users about what cybersecurity is and why it is a measure of immense importance at a workplace irrespective of whether employees are working on or off-site. White adopting digital platforms and interfaces is highly beneficial for any enterprise, the shift also exposes businesses to another variety of risks that must be actively addressed to protect the company’s sensitive information from leaking to the outside world. These can, in turn, lead to loss of brand reputation, market share value and even profitability. Cyber attacks are increasing in numbers by the week and the reasons for such an upsurge are identified below.

A Variety of Mediums 

Cyber attacks are not limited to one medium or type of device alone but rather can be done through cloud platforms, cell phones, social media & streaming applications and at times through a wifi connection alone. These mediums all allow for an entry point into the servers through which the hackers can gain access to information stored on personal devices that are not encrypted and protected by security software.  On cell phones, messages and emails are the main targets whereby a broken link is sent to a user and upon clicking the link, a download is installed that then allows breachers for unadulterated access to all the information, pictures and other details on the device. 

Social media also finds the same method of hacking where infected links are shared and opened which results in the same kind of cyber security risks. Through cloud platforms, security breaches are made when a secure VPN network is not used or the electronic device does not have an active running program that detects malware or hacking attempts and flushes them away or notifies you to change the password for better protection. These tend to be more dangerous than the other two as the cloud system stores stacks of information on not just one topic or employee but the entire organization’s and with a single point of entry, all this is made immediately available to hackers if no data security and privacy measures are present. 

Undermining the Value of Data

Oftentimes, employees and employers alike undermine the value of the data that is being dealt with at work. Data is a highly valuable resource for cybercriminals who are looking to gain insider information on a company’s figures, trends and even employee information that can then be left compromised or simply stolen. Most employers use cloud systems for workflow management and these platforms also provide quick assessments and data analytics to help keep the business ahead of the game. This can then provide profitable information to hackers that can use it to manipulate markets and the firm’s future as a whole. Any piece of data is valuable and hence the highest measures of safety should be used to safeguard it completely.

Elaborate Cyber Attacks 

Security breaches are not always apparent to the eye and many times are encrypted in malware or ransomware that slowly spread across the electronic devices in use when an individual is a victim of phishing. Be it through voice, email, SMS or even social media, phishing has become one of the most common means of cyber attack. As cyber security protocols have become more diverse and precise, cyberattackers have also found ways of working around the software and breaching systems in a discreet and sophisticated manner. Using advanced techniques for encryption and also sniffing attacks (when unencrypted data is intercepted in a network and sensitive information is stolen and analyzed) cybercriminals scheme elaborate attacks to elicit information.

Regional & Legal Regulations

When security systems are installed and integrated into any existing cloud or managed IT platform, the software comes with its own fine print that operates with the basic functions. These operations oftentimes are regulated with legal laws and procedures of the state or country that has its own set of policies regarding cyber security and its regulatory standards. In order to comply with these legal policies, systems have to incorporate certain cyber security systems that are best suited for the target region and country. These regulations along with the company’s own security protocol requirements give rise to a complex system of coding that can sometimes create weak areas that cybercriminals take advantage of and compromise the security of the entire network. 

Adopt Modern and All-Inclusive Solutions 

As a part of modernizing business and workflow systems to reach the ultimate digital transformation for an enterprise, it is necessary to implement a well-rounded security protocol system that overlooks it all. One such measure is installing a cloud system that incorporates protocols that safeguard both the physical as well as the cyber security of the whole system. Automatic and Intelligent features are a must whereby the security regulations are running at all times of the day independent of any human intervention. This way, any cyber attacks can be detected on time and the best reaction system is already activated and ready to defend the infrastructure and its information. 

To integrate highly specialized data security and privacy solutions at your workplace, Citrus Consulting Services can provide specifically designed provisions that are a perfect fit for your enterprise. Besides cloud security installations, experts in the team can also help analyze your current infrastructure to suggest upgrades that will best uphold your business strategies and keep your plan safe and secure from any threats. With these mechanisms at play, your organization can flourish while staying up-to-date and ahead of current tech trends with the help of constant IT support from professionals at Citrus Consulting

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